If you want to have an offer to boost sales by bundling an extra item at a discounted rate this might be a good sales condition to use. This condition can be achieved numerous ways but this is the only way that it can be achieved using Item lists as both the item to Sell and the item to discount. 

Setup the sales condition as per below

  1. Setup the general tab with desired details
  2. On the Conditions on line tab you can select the cruteria of why/how to trigger the condition. In the below example a n item trigger containing the boots is listed.
  3. Benefits Tab. Using the gift option will trigger a popup in the payments window. In the below example a 50% discount will apply to the item list items of core belts. This can be anything from 0 to 100%. I.e. if 50% then the belt is 50% free
    The box below that for the benefit lists the value of the gift. Here you can select a single unit, as per the example, or you could for example give a discount up to the value of a percentage of the original item.


Enter a transaction with the boot as per the item list

When entering payments window a popup will appear to select the additional item